AnoPlib - Animlets are not Particles library
AnoP::AnoPsystem< T > | Template-based realisation of the AnoPsystemBase |
AnoP::AnoPsystemBase | A base class to allow template-free handling |
AnoPemergency1 | An emergency vehicle's flash light |
AnoPflashlight1 | A flashing signal |
AnoPhelpers | Some helper methods and data |
AnoPstarfield1 | Old-style c64 stars scroller |
AnoPtentacle1 | Four moving tentacle arms |
AnoPwavelogo1 | Old-style c64 wave effect |
AnoPwavepropagation1 | Electromagnatic waves propagation :-) |
emergency1Struct | |
flashSignal1Struct | |
starfield1Struct | |
waveStruct | |
wireless1Struct |