These pages are a courtesy of:
Daniel Krajzewicz
Jochen-Nüßler-Str. 5
12359 Berlin
USt-IdNr.: DE281155133
- We have chosen some links to external pages as we think they contain useful
information. But it may happen that some ninjas come and change
the contents of the pages we link to or a proton hits the RAM of an NSA server
and the link goes into a new direction or someone thinks you should not
read what we liked once and then… What?
That's why we want to state that we are not responsible for the contents of the pages we link to.
And, just to say it: mostly, the pages we link to were made by people better than us. We often WOULD NOT BE ABLE to be responsible for what's stated there. - The software is provided “AS IS”. If you do not like it, do not complain. You may contact us anyway, we would be very, very happy about that.
- The software did not hurt us, yet, and even worked as expected and there are even tests that prove it. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee it will work as you expect.
We use piwik to know whether anyone visits this site. In conformance with European and German laws, only the first two IPv4 address bytes are kept. We only know from which countries the pages were accessed and at what time. Nothing else is stored.
The web pages use:
- The following fonts available at Google Fonts: “Raleway” by Multiple Designers(?) for plain text, “Work Sans” by Wei Huang for headers;
Other used external data are referenced at the corresponding pages.