

Embed in own Applications

You may as well embed degrotesque within your own applications. The usage is very straightforward:

import degrotesque
# build the degrotesque instance with default values
degrotesque = degrotesque.Degrotesque()
# apply degroteque
plain = ' <script> if(i<0) echo "a"</script> "Hello World" '
pretty = degrotesque.prettify(plain, True)
plain = ' <script> if(i<0) echo "a"</script> "Hello World" '
pretty = degrotesque.prettify(plain, False)

The first call will deliver:

 <script> if(i<0) echo "a"</script> &ldquo;Hello World&rdquo;

while the second — as the string is interpreted as plain text, not HTML will deliver:

 <script> if(i<0) echo &ldquo;a&rdquo;</script> &ldquo;Hello World&rdquo; 

what is probably not what you wished.

The default values can be replaced using some of the class' interfaces (methods):

# change the actions to apply (by naming them)
# here: apply french quotes and math symbols
# change the elements which contents shall be skipped
# here: skip the contents of "code",
#  "script", and "style" elements

You may as well consult the degrotesque pydoc code documentation.